Import Demo Content
Last updated
Last updated
The demo importer is the fastest way to import our starter sites. Using this import feature is recommended for fresh installs. The Demo Importer provides you with all of the pages and posts, widgets, theme options, assigned pages and more.
If this is our theme’s first use, we recommend starting with one demo site (elements from different starter sites can be reused). You will then have everything needed to begin; it makes understanding how the theme works easier, and you can avoid having to create everything from scratch.
Here is what you have to do:
Check the server status to ensure your server meets the requirements for a successful import.
Navigate to your Dashboard > Theme Dashboard > Demo Data
Select a starter site and click the Import button.
Wait until the import routine is done. Please be patient and don’t navigate away, as this can take a few minutes depending on your host’s performance.
You will be notified once the process is completed, at which time you can check the results.
Replace the demo site URLs after importing the demo content to ensure proper functionality and customization.
Navigate to Elementor > Tools > Replace URL to update the site URLs
Replace Demo URL with your Original URL
Imported images come from different sources (Unsplash, Pexels, Shutterstock, etc.). While some of them are free to use, others require you purchase your own license in order to use them commercially.